Private Equity (Shares) are the shares of companies which are not listed on the Stock Exchange, so these shares are not traded publicly. Shares of unlisted companies are dealt with via off-market transactions directly by the shareholders. These companies are "hidden gems" & may get listed in the future and further benefit the shareholders.
On 15 August 2015, Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi announced the Startup India campaign - an initiative of the Government of India. We have curated a special list of companies where you can now easily invest in startups (not "too" many as of now)
Equity is a degree of ownership in a firm or asset after subtracting all debts associated with that asset. Equity is also known as Shares. Listed Equity of the companies is listed on the stock exchange. In India, it means Equity (or Shares) of the companies that are listed on the National Stock Exchange or Bombay Stock Exchange. Owing Equity is best used as a way to Create Wealth.
Bonds are units of corporate debt issued by companies and securitized as tradeable assets. A bond is referred to as a fixed-income instrument since bonds traditionally paid a fixed interest rate (coupon) to debtholders. Variable or floating interest rates are also now quite common. Bonds are best used for Wealth preservice.
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